Presentations of St Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah
Cardinal Burke in the Archdiocese of Detroit

A member of the St. Peter Damian society presents The Book of Gomorrah to Cardinal Burke, after the Cardinal offered a Pontifical High Mass at the Throne to close the yearly Call To Holiness Conference at Assumption Grotto in Detroit.
Bishop Olson

In September of 2019, C.A. Shoultz, our social media director, presented a copy of the Book of Gomorrah to His Excellency Bishop Michael Olson, of the Diocese of Fort Worth, when His Excellency was present at a church in Grapevine, Texas for the consecration of a new altar. His Excellency was appreciative of the gift, and revealed that he prays for the intercession of St. Peter Damian himself. We promised to pray for His Excellency, in turn.
Bishop Schneider at the Blessed Karl Symposium in Dallas

SPDS member Chris Allen presented the Book of Gomorrah to His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider on October 19th, 2019 at the Blessed Karl Symposium in Dallas, TX.
Bishop Robert Baker at the annual Rosary for Life & Vocations
On October 6th the St. Peter Damian Society presented Bishop Robert Baker of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama with a copy of The Book of Gomorrah. Bishop Baker, leading prayer during the annual Rosary for Life & Vocations at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, warmly received the book from our namesake after the event. His eminence remarked that it was “fantastic” that our approach to combating the sex abuse crisis in the Church is with prayer, fasting and penance.
While recently retired, Bishop Baker remains active within his diocese and notably spoke out during the General Assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore this past June when he pointed out that Christ was missing during a presentation on dealing with clerical sexual abuse. "I notice the name 'Jesus Christ' hasn't been mentioned in the course of this," Bishop Baker said, "and Pope Francis has always mentioned that 'missionary discipleship' is an encounter with Christ that leads to all this. It might not hurt to throw that in there somewhere."