Laity for Moral Reform in the Catholic Church

Prayer to St. Peter Damian

Saint Peter Damian, reformer of the Church, scourge of the wicked, come to our aid with your prayers! Great Doctor of the Church, intercede on our behalf before the throne of God. By your prayers and intercession, help us, O hater of sin, to fly from evil and embrace what is good. We also ask, great saint, that you intercede for this special intention: (state your request). Pray for us, O monk, O cardinal, O servant of God! Amen.

Novena for the Society of St. Peter Damian

To be a member of the St. Peter Damian Society, we ask only that you do penance every Wednesday for the purification and sanctity of the Church.

Whether you are a member or not, if you would like to pray for the success of the SPDS's mission, please pray a novena of the above appeal to St. Peter Damian like so:

Saint Peter Damian, reformer of the Church, scourge of the wicked, come to our aid with your prayers! Great Doctor of the Church, intercede on our behalf before the throne of God. By your prayers and intercession, help us, O hater of sin, to fly from evil and embrace what is good. We also ask, great saint, that you intercede for the success of the St. Peter Damian Society. Pray for us, O monk, O cardinal, O servant of God! Amen.

We started praying the novena on Wednesday (our customary day of penance), July 15th 2020.